How to Become a BCaBA®

Do you want to become a BCaBA®? Unsure of what task list and study materials to use? Questions about BCaBA® requirements? Look no further than our complete BCaBA® guide. Afterwards, check out our BCaBA® exam prep materials!

BCaBA® Frequently Asked Questions

Let us answer your questions about BCaBA® salaries, the BCaBA® task list, BCaBA® exam prep, BCaBA® requirements and more.

What are the BCaBA requirements?

1) Receive a degree from an ABAI-accredited bachelor's program and complete the required fieldwork or 2) Complete an undergraduate degree, behavior-analytic coursework, and the required fieldwork.

Can I study for the BCaBA exam using BCBA materials?

Yes! We encourage you to use BCBA materials to study for the BCaBA exam. BCBA materials are guaranteed to have everything you need to prepare for the BCaBA exam.

How many BCaBA hours can I earn a month?

You can earn no fewer than 20 hours a month but no more than 130 hours a month. These hours must be earned within five continuous years. At least 40% of fieldwork must be unrestricted activities.

What is a typical BCaBA salary?

BCaBA salaries vary by state and company. BCaBAs will make less than BCBAs, but can typically expect to make anywhere from $45,000-$65,000 depending on experience. Again, BCaBA salary varies by company and location. You should inquire when applying for your BCaBA position.

Are the BCBA and BCaBA Task List Different?

There are minor differences between the two task lists, but we advise using the BCBA task list to study as it will provide a more comprehensive understanding of concepts.

What are the BCaBA fieldwork requirements?

You need to complete either 1300 supervised fieldwork hours or 1000 concentrated supervised fieldwork hours. You can start earning hours once you obtain a supervisor and you start behavior-analytic coursework.

How often do I need to be supervised?

You must make 4 contacts and get 5% of your hours supervised per period for supervised fieldwork, and 6 contacts and 10% of hours per period for concentrated fieldwork.


BCaBAs typically do everything BCBAs do except for conducting functional analyses and certain functional assessments as it relates to supervision. Insurance companies typically reimburse BCaBAs at a lower rate as well which leads to a disparity in pay for BCaBAs and BCBAs.

BCaBA® Exam Videos

Our YouTube videos are designed to aid in your BCaBA® exam preparation. Since the BCBA and BCaBA® task list are so similar it is completely safe to use BCBA materials to study. We actually encourage it!

Three BCaBA® Practice Exams

$ 105

BCaBA® Combo - Get Everything!

$ 130

BCaBA® Exam Study Guide

$ 65

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Thank you very much. The way you break down each question helped me and my colleague pass our BCaBA exam in December. Again, thank you, and keep doing what you do!

Priscilla A BCaBA

The combo pack was essential in helping me pass my BCaBA exam! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Glen F Designation

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Start your journey towards the BCaBA® certification with our BCaBA® study materials and videos.