Radical Behaviorism vs Methodological Behaviorism

BACB 5th edition task list A3 Radical Behaviorism B F Skinner

What is Radical Behaviorism?

Radical behaviorism, pioneered by B.F. Skinner, represents an extension of methodological behaviorism, which was spearheaded by John Watson. Radical behaviorism is the study of both observable behavior and private events such as thoughts and feelings. Radical behaviorism recognizes that our interactions with the environment are influenced not only by external factors but also by internal processes. Radical behaviorism distinguished itself from other behaviorist theories by acknowledging that private events are behavior just like public events. Methodological behaviorism did not include private events in analysis.

Differentiating Methodological Behaviorism and Radical Behaviorism

Methodological behaviorism takes a more restricted approach than radical behaviorism by focusing solely on observable behavior. It acknowledges the existence of private events but does not consider them as behaviors to be studied or analyzed. On the other hand, radical behaviorism expands the scope of behavior analysis to include the examination of private events as behavior and their role in shaping our interactions with the environment. The only difference between public and private behavior is the observability.

Core Principles Private Events

Thoughts and feelings are behavior. Behavior occurring internally is no different from behavior that is observable. The only distinction lies in the fact that internal behavior cannot be directly observed or assessed. If it were possible to observe these internal processes, they would be treated in the same manner as any other behavior.

Private events are influenced by the same factors that shape observable behaviors. The underlying processes that evoke thoughts and feelings are subject to the same environmental contingencies and stimuli that impact our overt actions. Behavior principles, like reinforcement or punishment apply to public and private events

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